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Robert Heinlein

“There seems to have been an actual decline in rational thinking. The United States had become a place where entertainers and professional athletes were mistaken for people of importance. They were idolized and treated as leaders; their opinions were sought on everything and they took themselves just as seriously-after all, if an athlete is paid a million or more a year, he knows he is important … so his opinions of foreign affairs and domestic policies must be important, too, even though he proves himself to be ignorant and subliterate every time he opens his mouth.”

“Secrecy is the keystone to all tyranny. Not force, but secrecy and censorship. When any government or church for that matter, undertakes to say to its subjects, “This you may not read, this you must not know,” the end result is tyranny and oppression, no matter how holy the motives. Mighty little force is needed to control a man who has been hoodwinked in this fashion; contrariwise, no amount of force can control a free man, whose mind is free. No, not the rack nor the atomic bomb, not anything. You can’t conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him.”

Robert Heinlein (born July 7, 1907, Butler, Missouri, U.S.—died May 8, 1988, Carmel, California) 

Powerful words and thoughts from a mainly science fiction author. Most of us have no idea he was highly educated in physics and mathematics, pursuing graduate studies at the University of California. During the war, he was an engineer in the navy. Probably his most famous book is “Stranger in a Strange Land” and coined the term “Grok”. I read most of his books while growing up, in junior high and high school. Later in life, his writing turned a corner, at least for me – and I stopped devouring his books. Still, a force to be reckoned with. He helped shape many young individuals as they sprouted to adulthood.

Including mine.


The Milgram Experiment

One true and recurring theme in the world is obedience. To authority figures be it doctors, police, politicians, presidents – just about anyone in a uniform. Generally, we tend to defer our freedoms to the above figures in exchange for monetary gain, health perks, living spaces to name a few. But what if, we are being tested to examine in detail our reactions to being controlled? What if a world government body has already been experimenting with the freedoms of society around the world? Would you believe it or shake your head in disbelief?

In the 1960’s, there was a now famous psychology experiment known as “The Milgram Experiment” to test just how far an average citizen would go to obey a person in a white lab coat. The results were nothing short of terrifying.

Given a choice to administer shocks in gradually increasing amounts, a person was seated before a console of switches. Each switch delivered a higher voltage to a recipient in another room. You could hear the painful cries as each switch was engaged when a wrong answer was received. Unknown to the operator, no one was hooked up to receive any shocks, at all. But for all intents and purposes, it sure seemed that way to an outside observer. Over 65% of test subjects complied with instructions to administer shocks when told to do so. Which brings us to the WEF.

They now have a paragraph on ther website stating:

Most of the restrictions made no sense or seemed beyond explanation. Like being able to shop with thousands of other potential infected individuals in major supermarkets while concurrently NOT being allowed to shop at the local market, because there was a chance of being exposed. Going to a restaurant wearing a mask to walk to your table, afterwards removing your mask because it was safe while sitting down in a crowded space but not while walking? WHY? Six feet distance between everyone when waiting in ANY line, ANYWHERE! WHY? AS the person in front of you leaves an airspace full of their germs, you walk right into it, taking a deep breath of micro-organisms. Again, WHY? I remember my first time in a Dollar store during these ridiculous rules. After standing on spots saying “6FT HERE” and then the checker with their gloves ringing up all the products I was purchasing, touching all my items, after having touched everyone’s items before me, I felt like bringing lysol and spraying all my purchases. But to my credit, I did not. I now know I was one of the few that didn’t buy into the mass hysteria, especially after consuming massive amounts of information on the virus, the vax and the reasons behind the push to MAKE people comply with rules that go against all we’ve learned.

Take the above world wide experiment as a warning. We’re only 5 minutes away from being imprisoned – and we’ll like it.


Brian McManus – Me – & Sandy’s Narration

Tonight, I was watching a show on Amazon Prime “The Center Seat: 55 Years of Star Trek” and near the end of episode 11, a person gives William Shatner a hug around 49:31 in the video. I did a double take as it was Brian McManus! I had forgotten he worked on Star Trek VI. It was amazing and sad/happy to see him even for a whole 3 seconds on my TV.

While he passed in 2016, he lived large and made a huge impact on everyone who knew him, helping people he loved and sometimes even strangers.

I quickly sent a text to his ex (the longest relationship he had that I know of) “Sandy”. She was his go to woman and he shared a good portion of his life with her. I didn’t expect an answer right away. She, however, had just sent a VHS tape with him to be digitized. The video was from winter of 1995. After playing the video I was floored. Both sad and happy along with gratitude for her sending it. She narrated and it was pretty funny!

The video is also included in the Photos II page.

Manipulation – Just for Fun!

Many moons ago I wrote about the short phrases to manipulate you into saying what I wanted you to. Re-posted below:

Spell SHOP 3 times in a row. S H O P – SHOP – SHOP – Question: What do you do when you come to a green light?

Most people would say, “STOP” which is precisely the opposite. What got me thinking about this subject is simple. I was in a fast food joint (I know, I should eat better) when a kid came up to me asking a question. I had no idea what he was saying, speaking quite fast as he was. After I was done eating, I went up to him, said “what were you asking me again? Speak or write it down on your phone” I know, on the 10-year old’s iphone. That’s another issue for another day.

He complied and wrote on his iPhone screen “what do you think about black lives matter”?

He was with 3 other friends and all eyes were now on me. I told them they had no understanding of politics in general. And over the next 15+ years of their lives, their positions would change constantly. What they believed in today, tomorrow would be a different story. Mostly I said don’t be pressured by anyone forcing beliefs on them. Learn. Believe in themselves. Don’t say something because it’s cool and your friends say it. And so forth. They nodded their small heads like they understood. Their older sister came over to make sure I wasn’t saying mean things. At that point I wondered if saying go to school and become a writer, an artist or musician, a doctor etc would/could be harassment. Yes, it’s come to that. We all second guess what we say because of the few.

So, in the interest of fun and fun only ( I am only reposting jokes/word games I have found while traversing the internet.

Say the word “white” and over and over. QUESTION: what do cows drink?

Say the word “yellow” over and over ten times fast. QUESTION: “What color are egg whites?”

Point to a head and say the abbreviation for “mountain.” (MT)

Question: “Whatcha eating under there”?  If they answer (Under where?) you got them!

Did you know that if you say “watermelon” really slowly, it sounds just like “gullible”?

If you say “raise up lights,” you just said “razor blades” in an Australian accent.

Ask people these questions in this order: “What’s 1+1? What’s 2+2? What’s 4+4? What’s 8+8?” Then ask them to name a vegetable.

Say “roast” six times QUESTION: what goes into a toaster?

“You are driving from Los Angeles to Sacramento. You leave Los Angeles with 15 people and pick 5 more at Bakersfield. You then get to Stockton where 10 people get off and 7 people get on. In Stockton, 6 people get on and 8 people get off and when you get to Sacremento, 9 people get off and 4 people get on. You then drive nonstop to cityhall. Don’t use a calculator but tell me, what was the name of the bus driver?”

Answers to above: Water, white, empty, underwear, just gullible, razor blades, carrot, bread, you

Psychological Tricks To Manipulate or Defuse

(answers were found on Ask Reddit) There are so many common sense answers that I only included a few below. What questions do you have?

1. If someone starts getting aggressive with you, say a string of real words in an order that sounds right but doesn’t necessarily make sense in the situation — it’ll throw the person off

2. Every time you see someone you know, smile and say hello — they’ll think of you as a nice person and may be more likely to help you out in the future

3. If someone is mad or annoyed at you, give it a few minutes of silence and then ask a seemingly innocent question that has to do with the other person’s interests — it’ll slowly get them talking and you’ll be able to move past the tense moment

4. When someone shy is speaking, look at them, make eye contact, and nod — it encourages them to continue talking

5. If you want someone to tell you more about something, stay quiet — they’ll usually fill the silence by giving you more information

6. If you want to avoid being called on in class or during a meeting, be sure to make a point of looking at the speaker (even making eye contact if you can) until the end of their question, then look at someone else in the room to divert the speaker’s attention to them

7. Instead of saying, “I know,” say “You’re right” — it’ll make you look less like an asshole and make them feel smart, which will make them easier to work with

8. If you’re trying to figure out the name of something (or someone), ask a question with a fake information, like, “Is the door code still 7752?” or “Is Kathy still the manager at the restaurant?” — the person will usually correct you with the real information

9. Instead of asking, “Do you have any questions?” ask, “What questions do you have?” — people will be more likely to speak up


Found a couple more tunes…

From the 80’s! I added them here:  Gary Efford Band

Just a quick update. – I found a few more tunes that Doug Goodwin and I played on as well. Will post those in the next few weeks.

They were on some very old cassettes where quite a few tunes didn’t make it. I tried the best I could and only managed to save a few. Oh well. These are probably the only copies in existence. It’s possible that Gary still has the masters somewhere. It would be great if he did and I could remix them as well. I know he’s still around as I catch his name every once in awhile singing on tunes and making videos.

Scroll down to tunes 14 and 15 and take a listen…

as always


Hiking for now is outta the question.

A few months back, I somehow messed up my knee. It swelled up like a grapefruit. Hurt too. So, I did what anyone forced to get healthcare does. I went to a primary care doc. Well, this doc took over 10 x-rays and called me a few days later and said “there’s nothing wrong with your knee.” Spent some big bucks for that answer too.

During the next month it would swell up like clockwork. Just from going up my driveway. Or walking to the kitchen. I figured since I am being drained of my bank account to pay for medical care I WOULD SEE A SPECIALIST. 

The orthopedic doc I saw took 10+ x-rays (so, I could pay again) and after looking at them he said “there’s something wrong” and “your muscles are not strong enough to support your knee”. What a load of turkey stuffing! It turns out my neighbor was seeing the same doc a few minutes before me. I asked him what his diagnosis was. The same doc told him his muscles were weak. Well, compared to me, my neighbor is a body builder and I’m Laurel and Hardy. Just another reason to pay big bucks. Yes, the insurance covers it. I still have a co-pay and after adding up my yearly costs I’m in the hole $3-$4K. At least I’m consoled by paying for the undocumented and additional people that are on their way to Canada. Anything to help of course. And I believe my knee problems are caused by climate change. Just ask anyone in California. They’ll agree with me. Also, if I had an EV car none of this would be happening. I would never go anywhere and if I did, my bank account would drain another $15K for new batteries. Or if I was lucky, would catch on fire in my driveway and burn the house down. Since I don’t have an EV I will never know if either climate change or the EV would stop my knee from swelling. All hypothetical of course…

Finally I visited a different doc that said, “hey, I use this for runners knee. Seems to work for me. Give it a try”. I purchased one and it’s on the way now. The existing braces I have bought work OK, but no cigar.

Crossing my knees on this one…



Another Evening of Brews and Mus….ic

Well, you are probably wondering if I’ve been drinking again. Yes and No. Yes, because I get dehydrated quite easily and No because I am currently abstaining from alcohol for mostly personal reasons. No, no, no… I am not a raving drunk! Quite the opposite. I become happier the more I drink. At least until that inevitable moment where the sloshing inside my body overwhelms the very tiny red blood cells and my oxygen levels slowly deplete, then toppling head first – meet ground. (smile)

No, I am referring to another evening of playing live at this venue called “Lucky Lukes”. We all had a blast, although it was quite chilly and somewhat overcast, threatening our very lives with a torrential downpour and subsequent electrocution. What a way to end the evening, huh? (LOL) Hopefully, the ground fault outlets would perform admirably saving us from a crispy critter evening. 

Take a listen for yourself – yes, there are missed notes and flubs and grubs, equipment malfunctioning and maybe some everlasting gobstoppers! All that mattered as we played our combined axes off, was how amazing and delightful it was to be performing live for a crowd that enjoyed the music and presentation.

I hope you join us someday soon, for another evening of music, love and laughter!



An Evening at “Lucky Lukes”

The Cutting Room Floor

`Sooooo, I was minding my own business just working on tunes and I noticed the trash lid was a wee bit open on my computer. Just a wee bit. Not one to pass on a mysterious trash can lid (smile) I opened the can and presto chango. There was a tune I had discarded about 10 years back. Why would I do something so callus and inconsiderate as to throw away a tune without a proper burial? I proceeded to load the tune into my DAW (ardour) and began the process of channel assignments and various mixer settings, until I had a workable and somewhat listenable song. 

WOW! Brought back memories. While it’s not one of my better recordings I thought, gee, why not add it to the website? Those who know me understand that my website is not about good or bad music, but about giving a voice to quite a few tunes that would most likely never see daylight. And by golly, Fall In Love sure qualified.  First I apologized to the tune for leaving it in a trash can devoid of light. And after a few listens, figured I could do a simple remix. I added the tune to the “music orphans” page – scroll down to number 19. And I’m adding it here as well. Take a listen, hate it, love it, don’t care or whatever. Doesn’t matter, the tune lives again. (smile)


The Hidden World We Don’t Know

Many years ago, well decades ago, I became interested in subliminal messages, that during our daily endeavors were being processed by our subconscious. Was this something I should be worried about? Were the everyday messages I was being bombarded with doing a job on my subconscious? In todays terms this would be referred to as “Fake News” or Disinformation. In reality, it wasn’t and still isn’t. Millions of dollars have been spent by advertising companies to perform various placements for products from companies they represent to influence the average consumer. By average I mean you and me. While I usually no longer succumb to these tricksters on mind manipulation, I realize that no one is immune from basic mind functions that are universal among people.

But what if a long lost tribe of people located in say, the Amazon, have never heard of these products being marketed by clever companies? Would they also be subject to the influence suggested in the ad? Or would they be immune, having to no basic reference point to draw from? I don’t know the answer, but what  do know is I was fascinated when I bought the first book that not only had examples, but breakdowns of each ad. I was blown away.

And there are also audio subliminal selling messages. One such message was in grocery markets, hidden in the background music playing gently during your shopping experience. Messages such as “you will not steal. This is bad” and “buy cookies on aisle 4” or even “good duty to stock up on soda” etc. They were usually whispered and placed way below your conscious mind to hear them over the drone of the music. However, it was just enough to entice you as a shopper. While the exact messages are only known to a few, they were caught and no longer are allowed to place sub-audible messages in music while you are shopping. Nowadays, marketing experts rely on product placement in the store that captures your attention and just perhaps sends you down an aisle to buy potato chips etc.

Mostly, I was entranced by the visual hidden drawings/artwork contained in the images. A few decades ago, Pepsi came out with a can that celebrated a holiday with colorful images. When these six-packs were stacked on top of one another, it plainly spelled SEX. So, I bought my own six-packs and still have the cans as proof.

Here’s a pic for ya:

Marketing execs did not like the exposure and pushed back on those blowing the whistle on them. While there are still some great resources you can check for subliminal advertising and the experts that say it works and those that say it doesn’t, leaves me wanting to know more. Does it work? One way is to make a list of shopping items and see what you come home with. While it’s not proof, it’s something!

Various images below: some obvious, some not so obvious…

Skittles has “S”EXplosion, KFC and a dollar in the lettuce, Wendy’s has the word “MOM” under her neck, the Gin has the ice cubes spelling SEX, Fedex has an ARROW in the Ex and SFX magazine is covering up the “F” so you see “SEX”

In future posts I’ll add more, but for now, go figure. Is this real or not?

Hillarious Response to J6

So, Elon, posts a note on twitter to Chuck Schumer:


Do you want us to remove this video?

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 8, 2023

The video in case you haven’t seen some of the recently released J6 footage, is of people calming walking through looking at pictures, picking up items that have been knocked over, capitol police escorting various viewers, peacefully I might add and even engaging in polite conversation. After watching, if you still believe this was on the level of the BLM/Antifa riots we had where buildings were burnt to the ground, shootings were the norm, and a total disrespect to the law took place – well, that’s on you. And this is not what the post is about anyway!

The responses to Elon’s post were funny – in a toilet humor way. Yes, I chuckled at Chuck. Here is a couple of replies (smile) These are not mine of course, just posts from the web.


“Thank you Elon !!! Chuckie Schumer, Stephen Co-Bear, Biden, Pelosi, Woopie Cushion Goldberg, main stream media, etc, etc, are so bad that I can’t even THINK OF A WORD TERRIBLE ENOUGH,,,,,TO DESCRIBE THEM !!! I know they don’t care,,, BUT JUDGMENT DAY IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER !!! And the crooked judge and others holding the J6 citizens in JAIL ILLEGALLY,, you will have a judgment coming to you TOO !!! JUST AWFUL !!!”


“You can’t think of a word terrible enough?

I can think of a few:

BIG GIANT HALF-MELTED POOP-SICLES LAYING IN THE SUN attracting FLIES, TERMITES, and other creepy things to EAT IT ALL UP… and POOP it OUT, continuing the cycle on and on up into OBLIVION’S BUTT…and BEYOND!

What? That’s too much for you? Ok… How about.

BIG GREEN RADIOACTIVE CHUNKS OF ALIEN PLATYPUS POOP, usually ate by Martian flies, Venutian termites and other creepy things (ehh… no. that’s along the same lines as the previous idea….!)

Hornswagglers, Schnozzwangers, Raving Vermicious Knids, and Whang-dang-doodles?

Nah…..Whangdoodles… Whang-dang-doodles, are good. Whangdoodles are bad without the ‘dang’ to it…

Well…. at least trying to come up with some terrible words… it’s more fun than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick!”

Well, I tried to come with terrible words as well. Not easy to do!

“Cannibalistic turkey basters, Gross mealy spider splatters, and my favorite:  ”       ” yup, you guessed it!

I’ll leave you with a few thoughts:


Biden: “Hey Ceej. Watch me color”
Ceej: “OK”
Biden: “Outside the lines..bwahahaha”
Ceej: “NOoooo…….”

Circle Back Psaki Math:
2 + 200 = “doesn’t matter.
Because Joe is amazing and
doesn’t need a brain to be awesome!”

CircleBack Psaki Math:
0 + 0 = 2 zeros

CircleBack Psaki Math:
Solve for X:
if X= ? and Y= On it
Then ?= We’ll CircleBack to that
and X+Y= equals 0

Tshirt Saying:
One day I started cackling, uncontrollably.
And thus the insidious plan to infect America
using the VP of the U.S. to destroy it’s citizens
became known.


Spell SHOP 3 times, out loud in a row.
What do you do when you come to a green light?




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