A few months back, I somehow messed up my knee. It swelled up like a grapefruit. Hurt too. So, I did what anyone forced to get healthcare does. I went to a primary care doc. Well, this doc took over 10 x-rays and called me a few days later and said “there’s nothing wrong with your knee.” Spent some big bucks for that answer too.

During the next month it would swell up like clockwork. Just from going up my driveway. Or walking to the kitchen. I figured since I am being drained of my bank account to pay for medical care I WOULD SEE A SPECIALIST. 

The orthopedic doc I saw took 10+ x-rays (so, I could pay again) and after looking at them he said “there’s something wrong” and “your muscles are not strong enough to support your knee”. What a load of turkey stuffing! It turns out my neighbor was seeing the same doc a few minutes before me. I asked him what his diagnosis was. The same doc told him his muscles were weak. Well, compared to me, my neighbor is a body builder and I’m Laurel and Hardy. Just another reason to pay big bucks. Yes, the insurance covers it. I still have a co-pay and after adding up my yearly costs I’m in the hole $3-$4K. At least I’m consoled by paying for the undocumented and additional people that are on their way to Canada. Anything to help of course. And I believe my knee problems are caused by climate change. Just ask anyone in California. They’ll agree with me. Also, if I had an EV car none of this would be happening. I would never go anywhere and if I did, my bank account would drain another $15K for new batteries. Or if I was lucky, would catch on fire in my driveway and burn the house down. Since I don’t have an EV I will never know if either climate change or the EV would stop my knee from swelling. All hypothetical of course…

Finally I visited a different doc that said, “hey, I use this for runners knee. Seems to work for me. Give it a try”. I purchased one and it’s on the way now. The existing braces I have bought work OK, but no cigar.

Crossing my knees on this one…
